About us
Jméno společnosti (Name of company): ARSIL Crystal,a.s.
IČ (ID): 25 57 34 89
Sídlo společnosti (Headquarter): Lidická 700/19, Veveří, 602 00 Brno
Provozovna (Branch): Zašová 677, 756 51 Zašová
Zapsaná u (Registered): Krajského soudu v Brně, oddíl B, vložka 3064
Legal form
Joint Stock Company
Business Object
Production and sale of high quality monocrystalline silicon crystals.
“Specialization on the production of high quality monocrystalline silicon crystals with a maximal effort to satisfy needs and wants of each particular customer.”

- September 1996: Company foundation
- June 1998: Commencement of the construction
- December 1999: Certification of the plant for Arsenic manufacturing
- February 2004: Certificate of approval to ISO 9001:2000